Tom Gaylard -web2

Tom Gaylard

Business Architect


Dawn is the founder of Hands On Project Solutions Limited, helping businesses become more profitable, grow and retain talent by transformation and transition. She specialises in Change through IT management, service delivery, business and supplier management. Her career includes many Head of IT roles, change and programme director roles in several leading businesses. With such experience, she is highly skilled at collaborating when gaps occur between technology and the rest of a business. Dawn has worked with both the public and private sector and has a demonstrable track record in designing & delivering multi million pound programmes in global organisations.

A designer knows he has achieved perfection not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Nulla vel velit ut est sodales rutrum. Quisque sodales congue sem, at sodales velit pretium eget. Nunc congue ac mi eget porta.

Sed interdum dolor vel erat feugiat lacinia et at quam. Duis faucibus facilisis mi, at vehicula erat. Integer ultrices pharetra nunc nec scelerisque. Suspendisse placerat dignissim lacinia. Nunc a pharetra sem.

  • 2001-2004: Sed interdum dolor vel erat feugiat lacinia et at quam.
  • 2004-2006: Duis faucibus facilisis mi, at vehicula erat.
  • 2006-2011: Lorem in tellus sagittis auctor nec dolor amet.
  • 2011-present: Cras ut nunc in tellus sagittis auctor nec pulvinar nisi.




Phone numbers:
(424) 123-0045, (424) 123-0067
