Why use HOPS?

Our experts have had hardcore exposure to supplier management for over two decades and are fully fluent in dealing with Basic suppliers through to Strategic partners. Their track record ranges from addressing basic service issues through to turning around the performance of multi-million pound outsourced services to support businesses. Outsourced contracts carried with them the complexity of servicing a number of business units through a single arrangement.

HOPS assignments have primarily consisted of where suppliers or partners are playing a key role in the company’s operational efficiency, its responsiveness to customers and its competitive edge.

Supplier Management

Many companies are good at getting outsourcing setup and on-boarding third party suppliers, but many fall short of being able to manage the on-going relationship to obtain the best value, or have the ability to recover from suppliers failing to deliver services effectively.

  • Are you exposed to risks due to being reliant on your suppliers?
  • Do you have contracts that have not been defined well enough, so your suppliers are not accountable for performance?
  • Are your strategic suppliers not really strategic?
  • Do you have too many suppliers?
  • Are your suppliers not performing?
  • Are you in a dilemma whether to outsource?
  • Do you have doubts about whether the suppliers or partners are right for your organisation?

There is more investment funding for organisations to keep up with the ever-increasing demands of the markets to perform efficiently, meet customer’s expectations and continuously innovate to keep the competitive edge. Your Partners must be central to helping you achieve these targets.

How HOPS can help?

We establish which are the suppliers/partners that are most strategic and which are less important and how to manage the relationships for optimum performance.

  • We focus on business criticality, operational and technical integration and the long-term fit with the organisation’s objectives.
  • We establish a Governance structure and process for your internal use and supplier relationships through the whole lifecycle of the contract and beyond.
  • We define the formal processes required for management involvement in the supplier relationships to ensure the contracts get the right focus for the organisation’s benefit.
  • We clarify the roles, accountability, responsibility and skills required to manage your suppliers to avoid poor performance or contractual issues.
Supplier Management Methodology

Someone in your organisation needs to have the skills and capabilities to lead and manage your partners and suppliers and this is more than procurement.

We ensure you have the right structure, methodology and the capability to manage your suppliers on a long-term basis.

Lastly we help you put processes in place for you to be able to manage your supplier’s performance and develop their capabilities to improve the value to the organisation.

Supplier Mngt

Based on the maturity of your organisation this could involve the following:

  • Prepare the detail of the day-to-day activities to manage your supplier contracts, financials, risks and issues.
  • Produce templates for supplier relationship reviews.
  • Design the right triggers and the path for escalation for supplier issue resolution.
  • Provide schedules, attendance lists and agendas for key supplier relationship review meetings.

For in-depth contractual leverage and legal bullet proof contracts, we engage with a tried and tested specialist partner that we work in collaboration with, to ensure you have the best possible contract and services. We also engage this company for complex contract recovery to ensure you get the very best out of any negotiations to recover the existing contract or to exit without significant penalties and where possible No Exit Costs.

Work with HOPS and their expert partners to get the best out of your suppliers, save thousands of pounds and turnaround relationships to match your business needs.

For a free no obligation consultation in complete confidence.