Strategy & Business Modelling

Our experience has shown us that majority of the organisations do not think about strategy before embarking on their journey to make the change. Strategy and its multi-facets keep you and your teams facing in the same direction for this challenging journey. It will be used to support the decision making when you reach the many cross-roads and keep your senior team focused on the organisation goals.

We have found that where a strategy did not exist there tended to be more employees who voiced their discontent and lacked engagement.

Our approach is to keep this process simple and to deliver meaningful output that can be utilised as a communication vehicle to motivate your employees. This method will set the journey to get you through to various “Target Operating Models” to deliver the overall objectives.

Programme Delivery

We offer a number of opportunities for our clients to engage with us; these range from full-scale programme delivery to specific elements of capabilities required to deliver their objectives successfully. Our methods, tools and techniques are well practised and overcome numerous obstacles found when delivering projects, programmes and portfolios. Our proven track record has been achieved in both public and private sectors covering a range of the hierarchies in organisations.

The well-tested methods remove complexity and achieve simplicity to provide clarity to Sponsors and delivery teams. We provide a quick assessment that ensures that you know what capabilities are required to deliver. We also provide solid foundations to manage, monitor and control all aspects of Quality, Timelines and the costs of your delivery.

The correct set-up of any project, programme and portfolio will determine its success; we help you identify and formulate the optimum monitoring and controls, and roll-out of agreed practices across both internal and external teams to safeguard your corporate interests.

Change Management

Our team of change consultants have years of experience and expertise to support and lead individuals and teams through their challenging journey. Our know-how covers human behaviour as people face change and we create the safe environments to transition into the future.

We have a team which uses Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Coaching and Mentoring with the right tools and techniques to get our clients results in Change Management and reduce risk to the day to day operations. Our proven track record demonstrates we keep teams motivated and support Senior Management to take the most challenging situations to create win:win outcomes

Right Sourcing Supplier Management

Our experts have had hardcore exposure to supplier management for over two decades and are fully fluent in dealing with Basic suppliers through to Strategic partners. Their track record ranges from addressing basic service issues through to turning around the performance of multi-million pound outsourced services to support businesses. Outsourced contracts carried with them the complexity of servicing a number of business units through a single arrangement.

HOPS assignments have primarily consisted of where suppliers or partners are playing a key role in the company’s operational efficiency, its responsiveness to customers and its competitive edge.

Best Practice

Frameworks, Methods and Processes are there to improve effectiveness and efficiencies of any business. There is a level of investment required to build and operate these working practices.

There are a number of Frameworks that are well recognised to help organisations to achieve good results; they all have a specific focus and do not always reflect the reality of organisations and their maturity levels to adopt these without significant investment. HOPs have taken these Frameworks to use the best and the right elements to achieve the desired results for their clients.

Find out how to separate the reality and the noise in your business and focus your resources on addressing the real issues.

For a free no obligation consultation in complete confidence.